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Noshi Life

A bridge to personalised
Wellbeing and Retail Intelligence

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Our Purpose

Noshi Life exists to revolutionise the way consumers and retailers navigate the challenges posed by evolving health and dietary trends.

Addressing Limited
Consumer Insight
  • 2 in 3 adults overweight or obese
  • 1 in 10 babies born today will develop health allergies.
  • 11% Gluten-Free
  • 14% Dairy-Free
Health Trends
  • Retailers lack visibility beyond their stores
  • Missing potential sales and consumer preferences
  • Limited visibility of the “Why” behind consumer behaviour
Fragmented Data
  • Consumers struggle to find health-aligned products
  • Scattered data across retailers hinders informed choices

In leveraging retailer data, combining analytics, personalisation and health-conscious decision-making, Noshi Life creates a win-win experience for both consumer and retailer alike.

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At the heart of Noshi Life lies a groundbreaking fusion of personalisation and insight. For consumers, it's a pathway to a tailored and health-conscious shopping experience. For retailers, it's a gateway to unprecedented data-driven insights, unlocking a realm of consumer behaviour previously uncharted.

User Benefits

Health Targets
Customers can set and manage health targets and allergens withinthe app, creating a health-centric shopping journey. The app guides users towards products that align with their dietary preferences and health goals, fostering a more conscious and informed approach to grocery shopping.
Personalised Suggestions
Historical data supplied insights. Noshi Life allows a customer to input their health targets or requirements ie; gluten-free, dairy-free, fodmap and weight or muscle mass goals. Noshi Life then provides personalised product recommendations tailored to each individual's specific needs and preferences.
Smart Purchase Integration
Noshi Life seamlessly integrates with a customer's purchase history, allowing it to understand past buying patterns. Based on this information, the app promotes relevant discounts and special offers on products that align with the customer's purchase history and health targets.


Picture a grocery routine transformed with Noshi Life.

From pantry insights to health-conscious product recommendations and personalised weekly specials based on purchase history, Noshi Life becomes the trusted go-to for users, offering a modern, streamlined, and delightful approach to grocery planning and purchasing.

Collects & Consolidates Data & Generates Insights
Provides Nutrition / Basket Information to Make Better Decisions
Customer Centric Advertising and Offers
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Noshi Life is more than an app; it's a bridge connecting individual empowerment with unparalleled retail intelligence, redefining the future of personalised well-being and strategic retail decision-making.

Noshi Life aims to empower users on their journey to healthier choices, enhance their nutritional, financial, and sustainability well-being, and create a platform that becomes integral to the grocery shopping process for both consumers and retailers.

Partnership Opportunity

What are we looking to do?
  • Partner with companies to help solve for the challenges of living gluten free
  • Facilitate/promote access of Noshi Life to customers
  • Help us design tailored Dashboards highlighting relevant insights

Team Noshi Life

Team Member
Iain Blair

Success in using data in unique ways to solve problems, whilst empowering others to see and deliver on a vision. Executed an operational insights platform into FMCG reaching over 100k users.

Team Member
Matt Perry

Successful exited businesses to private equity, adept at building teams, capability and corporate culture. A serial retailer, with depth in solving retail pain points.

Team Member
Angus Parker

Founded and directed multiple entities onto the ASX. Recognised globally as a technology visionary with success in trade sales. Successfuly held board, CEO and CTO positions locally and abroad.